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Have you ever made a mistake that you were sure you would never recover from? Maybe so big that you are certain you will never be able to make amends for. Maybe it's not a huge mistake, but maybe you make a lot of little mistakes often, Let me share something amazing with you, not a single mistake is going to remove your calling. These pesky little traits that you see as flaws, yeah, they aren't going to remove the anointing that God has put on your life. We all have weaknesses, it's God's insurance plan to remind us to rely on Him, but it's important to remember that these perceived weaknesses will not remove your value. Think about it if God only used perfect people none of us would be called, annointed, or valued. Yet here we are! There is nothing new under the sun! (Ecc 1:9) Collectively we are this day and time's Rahabs, Davids, Moseses, Gideons, Abrahams, Tamars, Josephs, Jobs, Elijahs, Samsons....Do you see where I am going with this? God's plan for redemption is to take our ugly messes and make something that We can see as beautiful. Frankly, He is your biggest cheerleader and He doesn't care about your opinion on what is ugly or beautiful. Family, when you can see yourself the way our Creator does, you will learn to better appreciate His handiwork, and He doesn't make mistakes.

[29] What is the price of two sparrows-one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it, [30] And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. [31] So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. - Matthew 10:29-31

Did you see that? You are more valuable than a whole flock of sparrows! He knows our potential, He crafted our calling inside of His will. Will you trust Him enough to seek out your calling? Will you be brave enough to walk in His will for your life?