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How many times have we run into unexpected problems with an uncertain outcome, Even though we pray and ask the Lord to get us through it we still worry and stress, not knowing how and when it will be resolved? Even though we have cried out to the Lord for His guidance and His will, we say we trust His timing but we find ourselves asking God “when will the answer come?” We say that  we are trusting the Lord for the answer and resolution yet we keep asking Him to give us the answer and solve it now.

Trusting God is important. We must believe that God has a plan, even though we can’t see it while waiting in Faith for the answer. We can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail. We need to decide ahead of time that He knows infinitely more than we ever will. His timing is infinitely better than ours. Trust God’s timing while waiting in Faith for the answer. The last thing we think about when we are in tough times is waiting. Our natural tendencies are to rebel against waiting and find other ways to get what we want.                   

There is something about the waiting process that stops us and keeps us from moving forward without God’s plan being revealed. In times of waiting, we get to see what God sees. It gives us time to examine our hearts. With everything we have come through, we can always trust God to see us through it. God has perfect timing, and when we invite Him into every area of our lives for direction, that is where and when we see his timing made fully intentional. It keeps us from acting hastily without thinking and saying, “I want it now! Lord”. Instead, we find that we can stand quietly and still, while giving it over to God. When we totally surrender our troubles to God “Let Go and Let God” Giving it to God and trusting in Him will see you through, since He is in control in the first place.

The only way we can trust  in God’s timing is through spending more time with Him. As with our relationship with Him.We must hold firm to the truth that God is still on the throne, and when we trust Him with our lives and follow His way, we will arrive precisely where we ought to be at exactly the right timing. Everything is in God’s timing. At the right time, God will provide your need. At the right time, God will deliver you. At the right time, God will rescue you.

“At the RIGHT time”. Is Always God’s time!