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THE LEARNING CURVE - I hope that I don't sound too annoying when I say this so often, but it is such an important part of what happens from the time we open our eyes to the time we close them at the end of the day. We are the recipients of so much, that there are a million, no a gazillion things that God wants to share with us and we barely train our thoughts on him long enough for him to say Good morning, I love you. I am UNlearning some things that I have always taken for granted that I knew accurately. God is taking his dry board eraser and saying "Come on, Barb, I want to give you a fresh way to think of things, because you don't have a handle on it yet, I REALLY, REALLY WANT YOU TO." It's humbling in that I sometimes feel like I am back in elementary school working on some basics, and then I have this thought that the God of all creation is taking the time to teach me and spend time on making sure that something He wants me to know is understood on my end. How great is that! So while I could be embarrassed that I am having to relearn some things or that He is having me learn more accurately some things that I assumed I knew well, or just experience His presence in a fresh way, I am so grateful to be on the learning curve. I think it is possibly one of the greatest miracles in my life to know that He is still working on me!!!! (I can hear you singing that song!) He is intentional in making sure that I have extra teaching, extra input, extra insight through His Word and whatever way the Holy Spirit decides to show me. The amazing thing is that He is doing that for everyone! It's off to school I go!