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In our world today, our homes, churches and communities, we have many opportunities to pray for those in need. It seems that our lives are embroiled in a constant atmosphere of challenges and struggles. But, I see the hand of God in the middle of it all, as “Life” affords opportunities to see the victories and defeats of just “Living”. If you really think about it, we can’t control the chaos of “Life”. But God designed an overcoming power that affords, you and I, a higher authority and a higher plane of living, that is the privilege of prayer. We are privileged to have a God who always invites us, in all situations to come with confidence to prayer. Psalm 17:6 says, “I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.” Prayer is direct communication with God. We enter the throne room boldly, knowing that God hears us and if we listen with heart and mind, we will hear God speak. The prayer language is a “hard wired” direct connection through all the chaotic stressors of this life, directly with God. We do not need anyone to communicate to God for us, God eagerly listens for the voice of His children. As we pray, God will communicate with us, through scripture, through a ‘still small voice’ within, but God will indeed speak. Prayer is the power that opens a “Life” line directly to God. This rewards us with spiritual clarity, aligning our hearts and minds with God’s will and direction. The Bible reminds us that God is truly eager to hear our petitions and that He welcomes our prayers of thanksgiving. We are also privileged in that we have the awesome opportunity to pray for others. “Nothing draws us closer to other people than praying for them. Asking God’s intervention in their lives is an awesome privilege. This “Prayer Privilege” is also an awesome responsibility. Praying in power means being persistent in our prayers, praying specifically and often. Ultimately, we choose “Life” and liberty by simply choosing to live in the power of prayer. Through our faithfulness in prayer, God can and will keep us, it is as simple as this, talk to God, JUST PRAY! Always thank God for the privilege of praying and the privilege of meeting God in your prayers.