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This is not an original thought of my own, but sharing a commentary, I found to be thought provoking regarding the story in Luke about the wounded man and the Good Samaritan.  Here is the breakdown.

To the expert in religious law…..the wounded man was a subject to discuss

To the bandits …..the wounded man  was someone to use and exploit

To the religious man…..the wounded man was a problem to be avoided

To the innkeeper…..the wounded man was a customer to serve for a fee

To the Samaritan…..the  wounded man was a human being worth being cared for and loved

To Jesus…..all of them and all of us were worth dying for 

“Confronting the needs of others brings out various attitudes in us.  Jesus used the story of the good but despised Samaritan to make clear what attitude was acceptable to him.  If we are honest, we often will find ourselves in the place of the expert in religious law, needing to learn again who our neighbor is, or thinking that person is a problem to be avoided.”  This goes across all age groups and all areas of need because WE ARE ALL needful, sometimes more than others, but needful nonetheless. It’s an opportunity for each of us to evaluate our kindness and love towards Him and others when serving and ask the Holy Spirit to transform us.