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Hope is seen through the lens and frameworks from our past. Especially when viewed through a biblical lens, this kind of hope is a powerful testament to the faithfulness of God throughout our individual and corporate history. The many narratives in the Scriptures recount the struggles and triumphs of individuals and nations, some of which we fully understand and can relate to as we mirror the same hope principle in our time. They remind us that the Lord's divine providence always prevails despite adversity, pain, struggle, and dismay. ALWAYS… For instance, remember the story of Joseph? This narrative illustrates resilience and hope amid betrayal and hardship.
Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. After YEARS of ups and downs, a prison term, and great pain, he ultimately rose to a position of great authority and influence in Egypt, where he was able to save his family during a time of famine. The story of Joseph reassures us that our current challenges can lead to greater purposes and that God's plan often unfolds in ways we cannot immediately understand. We have certainly seen this at HWWC! From a small post office and ten adults, including Amanda and me, we launched into a journey that has been a blink and filled with incredible milestones and moments. His story has made a history of hope for us all. No one will ever be able to convince us that the Lord cannot make something out of what we do not understand. He has done it here. You are seeing it, walking on it, dwelling together in it, and we are connecting today due to the hope of our proven past in Christ. He has been faithful! The prophet Jeremiah stated, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." This assurance invites us to reflect on our past with gratitude, recognizing how God has guided us through trials and tribulations and then anchoring our hearts to the faithfulness of the Lord's hope in days past; we find hope renewed for today's journey. Even amid all the challenges, we are here; hope has been, hope is, and hope will always be in Christ alone. As we move forward together as a body, we pray that this same hope fuels our faith for the great and unique steps ahead as we join our hearts together and stand shoulder to shoulder. Hope always finds a way! We love you all and are grateful for the journey with you!