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I read Malachi 3:16 this week and heard someone expound on it. "Then those that feared the Lord spoke to each other and the Lord listened and He heard them." Gives a new meaning to being around like-minded people and Hebrews 10:25: "not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the Day approaching."

So, thank you for being part of the assembly today! We are grateful that when the Lord sees those gather together that reverence Him, that He indeed listens and hears! He hears our worship, He hears our requests, He hears our repentance, He hears our adoration, He hears our doubts, and He hears our commitment to keep running after Him because we know that He is our answer, anchor, rock, and Savior.

When we leave here today, we get to go into a world of people that Jesus died for, that He loves, and we get to be that love to them, and in doing that, we get to take His Good News everywhere we go. He is listening and He hears!