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According to the dictionary the adjective “Busy" is defined as “having a great deal to do.” As people in this crazy, BUSY world we have stuff to do, people to see, and places to be. We’ve got jobs, families, church, and house work. All of which make a very full plate. It can be hectic, crazy, and it keeps our eyes on things that aren’t the most important.

According to the dictionary the VERB “Busy” means “to keep occupied.” Which to me sounds like something to pass time. “Busy” is a way to keep your attention and time elsewhere. Our energies, attention, and focus all go to other things. Being busy keeps us from the MAIN focus.

The enemy LOVES when our time and attention are elsewhere. The enemy takes pride in the fact that we can get SO distracted by the great deal of stuff we have to do. If your business isn’t managed correctly you’ll loose sight of the most important thing. Jesus.

If time isn’t set aside for your relationship with Christ and you rely on your own power to go about your business then the enemy is winning.

We weren’t meant to be busy bodies with no relationship with the one who gives us purpose. God isn’t giving us busy work on this earth. He is giving us missions, time to spend in his word, and time to apply it to our lives daily.

Life doesn’t seem to slow down. I’m not saying forsake ALL of your responsibilities and life. I’m saying don’t let the enemy distract you from what God wants for us And the time he wants with us.